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    How to Research a Place You’ve Never Been To +nano update no. 1 (& a new blog series coming soon…)

    Sometimes it can be hard to write about a city you’ve never been in.

    I recently realized that whenever I have to set one of my stories in a big city, I choose Chicago, IL. Because I’ve been there several times, I was unknowingly using that as a crutch to avoid having to do the work to get to know another city.

    That shouldn’t be.

    I set one of the main location settings in my novel Embers in Chicago. Well, Intelligent Jenna did not realize until at the end of her outlining that Chicago and Niobrara County, Wyoming (another main location setting) are over 16 hours apart.

    *face palm*

    No, wait…

    *face smack*

    It’s embarrassing. Go ahead, laugh at me. I can take it.

    Read more…